Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Just Because... I can!

Thats it, I have taken the plunge, I have committed myself to this. Thankyou brave reader, for joining me on this journey. At times it will be strange, weird and maybe a little odd and then there will be times that are just not pretty. So all I can say is sit down and strap up for this weird and wonderful journey that is..... my life!

Allow me to briefly introduce myself, for those who cannot be bothered clicking on the "About Me' (see up there in the top right hand column???).
I am Mum to 5 daughters (yes, I DID say FIVE!!!!!). And to add to the madness, two of them are teenagers and another is almost there. Oh, and might I add, yes, they are all to the same father, and yes, he is a poor, downtrodden man who shall suffer the rest of his life surrounded my females (even our dogs are little ladies).
I am at the moment on the fresh side of 40, and when I get to the other side, that will become the 'new' fresh side, because I said so!! I don't struggle with gaining weight (yea, I know, you all hate me already!) and no, I am not anorexic. I have a fast metabolism that is one day going to slow right down and kick me in the ass! Then, you can all sit back and laugh at me!
I love to play with paint and paper and rub ons and pencils and crayons and glue and stickers and ribbon and metals... okay, you get the idea. I am a Visual Journalist, which is a fancy shmansy way of saying I am a scrapbooker, just don't like the term scrapbooker as too many people drop the 's' and that is a little too close to the truth of my work some days. Crap, crap, crap is often heard echoing from the depths of my studio!!

I guess you may have already heard a little too much about me and I do hope I have not scared you off this early in my blogs life. I shall leave you with some pics of an acrylic album that I spent the Easter weekend working on.

Happy Tuesday!